Welcome to CHAP
CHAP’s vision is for UK Agri-Tech innovation and expertise to drive sustainable farming systems which deliver economic, environmental, and societal benefits across the globe.
CHAP’s mission is to be the catalyst for the discovery, development, delivery and adoption of applied knowledge and Agri-Tech innovations to maximise their impact worldwide.
To increase crop productivity for future generations through the uptake of new technologies in agriculture. We bring together leading scientists, farmers, advisors, innovators and businesses to understand industry challenges, drive research and innovation, and develop and trial solutions that transform crop systems. We work with pioneers to translate and promote the solutions for market adoption and improved productivity.
- Innovation: we seek out pioneering ideas and better ways of working
- Synergy: we build on positive collaborative partnerships
- Inspiration: we believe in a better future through advanced technology, sustained productivity and affirmative environmental impact
- Trust: we work confidently, professionally and assuredly in all we do
We will achieve our goals through
- Real independence and integrity: a trusted network of local and international experts in science, technology, investment, government and industry.
- Accomplished, creative professional services: delivering contract research, bid writing, consortia building, workshop facilitation, project management and industry horizon-scanning to deliver against global sustainable farming priorities.
- Harnessing world-class research facilities: access to technical and scientific expertise delivering ground-breaking innovation to optimise and magnifiy investment impact.
- Effective and meaningful demonstration capabilities: trial and showcase innovation in action under authentic conditions, coupled with peer-to-peer learning to de-risk investment and maximise adoption.
- Best in class business support: a portal for start-ups, spin-outs and entrepreneurs with access to investors, mentors, facilities and community to incubate, accelerate and scale successful Agri-Tech businesses.
Working together, we will create and build the outstanding sustainable farming systems of the future, delivering unparalleled economic and societal benefits for all.

Our Solutions
Data Diagnostic Insights
Five years ago, when people started talking about Digital Farming and Big Data, most were not sure what this was or how it related to field base crop production.
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Data Diagnostic Insights
Advances in remote sensing and diagnostic technology provide a wealth of data which can be used to predict crop growth and more importantly the pest and disease pressure. Models have been developed to provide farmers and agronomists with real-time information for the need to spray against particular pests and diseases.
Crop Protection
The number of products available to growers for their crop protection programmes continues to fall, with the loss of active substances and increased occurrence of pesticide resistance with aphids, cabbage stem flea beetle, blackgrass etc.
Controlled Environment Agriculture
Food producers are constantly looking to increase both yield and quality while maximising gross margins within sustainable intensive production systems.
Soil Health
Farming in the 21st century demands the latest scientific knowledge and understanding, and soils are a key resource of the agricultural production system, but they are suffering
Contract Research Services
CHAP can provide a wide range contract research services in support of R&D projects and provide data for regulatory packages.
Featured Solution
Our current Featured Solution is Data Diagnostic Insights

Latest News
The TRUTH Project: Transforming the future of soil health analysis with a farmer-led platform
The Thriving Roots Underpinning Total Soil Health (TRUTH) project funded through Defra’s Farming Innovation Programme and delivered by Innovate UK is...read more

Latest News
New project backed by Innovate UK links AI and indoor farming to improve sustainability
The Advanced Crop Dynamic Control (ACDC) project is set to dramatically transform the landscape of Total Controlled Environment Agriculture (TCEA) within...read more

Latest News
Transforming indoor farming to improve resilience and self-sufficiency
GyroPlant Ltd and Crop Health and Protection (CHAP) begin government-backed R&D project to combine GyroCup novel technology into automated indoor growing...read more
CHAP Biological Report 2021 - Proposing a solution to boost biological product adoption
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De-risking Regenerative Agriculture Decisions
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E-Flows Mesocosm with CHAP & Fera
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Invasive Alien Plants with CHAP & CABI
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For more information on our capabilities or to discuss a collaboration and/or grant for a commercially funded project, please email info@ukagritechcentre.com